What is on offer

CIAETutoring offers a variety of services..

Click on each skill for more detail of what we offer.

English Skills Developed

  • Speaking and listening - to be able to speak and listen to a variety of topics.

  • Learning and apply spelling rules/ patterns - see below in (Phonics skills developed)

  • Learning and apply grammatical features - recognise and Identify parts of a sentence, use parts of speech. Identify and apply rules for punctuation and grammar.

  • Build on and learn a wide range of vocabulary - continue to expand children’s vocabulary, up levelling word choices when writing to make their writing more entertaining.

  • Write for different purposes - develop skills to write for different purposes, (narrative, letters, fiction, non-fiction, poetry, autobiographies, information texts.)

  • Purpose of different texts Identify the purpose of different texts by reading and understanding what they are written for

  • Range of fiction and non-fiction texts - explore a variety of different texts.

  • Comprehension - see (Reading skills developed)

  • Handwriting - Children to be able to practice, forming letters, learning how to join correctly.

Maths Skills Developed

  • Number and place value - children to understand what numbers are worth and their place value.

  • Using the 4 operations - Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Being confident in using them in a variety of different ways.

  • Shape - recognise a variety of 2D/3D shapes, being able to identify their properties, sort shapes into different categories and be able to draw shapes efficiently and in different positions.

  • Measure - understanding a variety of ways to measure objects by length/height, weight/mass, capacity/volume and time.

  • Handling Data - children will develop skills to collect, organise, analyse and interpret data in a variety of different ways.

  • Fractions - to understand the value of a fraction, numerator and denominator, the fraction of a shape and how to (add /subtract/multiply/divide KS2)

  • Decimals - read and write decimals, understand the role of a decimal point and its relationship to tenths, hundredths, and thousandths. complete and explain grids to form a picture of a decimal value.(KS2)

  • Percentages - be able to determine the percentage of a given object/number (KS2)

  • Algebra (KS2 only) -

  • Mental Maths - to be able to mentally work out sums, this will be taught through quick weekly tests that allow children to develop these skills effectively

  • Problem Solving - all areas of maths require problem solving skills. Teaching children a variety of different ways to understand and solve these types of questions.

Phonics Skills Developed

Phase 1 (2-4yrs Nursery/Reception))

  • Environmental Sounds

  • Instrumental Sounds

  • Body Percussion

  • Rhythm & Rhyme

  • Alliteration

  • Voice Sounds

  • Oral Blending & Segmenting

Phase 2 (4-5 yrs - 6 weeks - Reception))

  • Learn most common single sounds (s,a,t,p,i,n)

  • Begin to blend simple CVC (consonant, vowel, consonant) such as: (at, pat, tap, sit)

  • Recognise some high frequency tricky words (I, no, go, the, to)

Phase 3 (4-5 yrs - 12 weeks - Reception)

  • Learn all other single sounds

  • Begin to learn some double letter sounds (ch, sh. th, ng, nk, qu)

  • Begin to learn trickier double letter sounds (ai, ee, igh, ow, oo, oo, ar, or, air, ir, ou, oy)

  • To be able to blend all sounds and read simple words

  • Copy letters accurately

Phase 4 (4-5yrs - 4-6 weeks - Reception)

  • Children do not learn any new sounds in this phase, but continue to decode more complex words

  • (click the link below to see the first 100 high frequency words)


Phase 5 (5-6 yrs - 1 year - Year 1)

  • Children are taught new ways to read/write sounds. (ea, oi, a_e, i_e, o_e, u_e, aw)

  • Continue to develop more sounds (are, ur, er, ow, ai, oa, ew, ire, ear, ure, tion)

  • Further develop, decoding skills when reading new words

  • Be able to write some more words using new sounds taught.

  • By the end of this phase children should be able to recognise and spell 100 high-frequency words more or less accurately from memory and form (write) each letter of the alphabet accurately.

Phase 6 (6-7 yrs - 1 year - Year 2)

  • Children should be able to read automatically (by sight) high frequency words decode quietly (in their head)some unfamiliar words decode loudly (out loud) unfamiliar and tricky words

  • Learn spelling rules such as how to add suffixes (-ment, - ness, -ful, -less, -ly)

Contractions (Can’t - can not, didn’t - did not, hasn’t - has not, couldn’t - could not, i’ll - I will, it’s - it is

Possessive apostrophes ( Megan’s, Ravi’s, the girl’s, the child’s, the man’s)

  • Phase 6 focuses on reading and spelling of words.

  • Click the link below to see more spelling rules children learn in Year 2


Reading Skills Developed

  • Phonics and fluency. (As seen in Phonics skills developed)

  • Understanding vocabulary - children will develop their understanding of vocabulary in a range of different contexts.

  • Comprehension - understanding a variety of different texts and being able to answer questions about a text.

  • Skimming and Scanning - children will able to skim and scan a variety of texts to get a brief understanding of what the text is about

  • Understanding new/ unfamiliar words - being able to use a dictionary/online dictionary to

  • Asking questions about different texts - for children to be inquisitive and ask questions about a variety of different texts.

  • Reading for gist and specific information. - children will be able to read a short section of a text to gain an understanding of its gist and be able to pick out specific information to answer specific questions.

  • Inference - to be able to reach conclusions when reading a text based on the evidence they have read.